"The organic gardener's best friend!"

We supply the Bocking 14 variety, which is non-invasive. and is the most nutrient rich non-seeding strain.

Comfrey grows quickly and the leaves can be cut several times a year. Its leaves are full of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. The flowers are great for honeybees, and they also attract other pollinators.

Use it as a mulch, a liquid fertiliser, a leaf spray, and a compost accelerator.

You can even use comfrey (common name "Knitbone") to heal broken bones!

Find out more about the many uses of this amazing plant on our blog at

We supply comfrey cuttings and plants from March - December.

ROOT CUTTING : 1 euro (6 cuttings for 5 euros)

Best planted into pots and will start to develop root system and grow leaves within the first 2-3 months, after which they can be planted out.

CROWN CUTTING : 2 euros (6 cuttings for 10 euros)

Can be planted directly into the soil and will establish more quickly and easily than a root cutting, enabling you to cut some leaves in the first year.


If you'd like to start off with a larger plant, or want to split an established plant into root cuttings yourself (large plants will provide up to 30 cuttings).


Cuttings can be posted within Portugal.

Up to 12 root / crown cuttings: 

CTT Correio Azul: 6.85 euros

DHL tracked: 10 euros

12-36 root / crown cuttings:

CTT Correio Azul: 12 euros

DHL tracked: 15 euros

Larger orders can be sent via courier, please contact us for prices.

Orders and Enquiries:

Add a delivery of horse manure or some composting worms to your order - the perfect combination for feeding your soil!